With the National Labor Relations Board focusing more and more on Employee Handbooks, here are eight areas you should include to make sure your business is covered:
1Employee BenefitsDescribe the benefits that are given to the employees, explain how employees can become eligible for benefits and whether all employees qualify.
2Time OffClarify what constitutes sick time and confirm which days are given for holidays, as well as how vacation eligibility is determined. Rules regarding how request time off should be clear.
3Office PoliciesDisclose all company policies, including non-discrimination, anti-harassment, and drug/alcohol use polices, as well as policies governing full-time/part-time classification, dress code, attendance and punctuality, breaks, and lunch times, etc.
4Pay & PromotionsIdentify pay periods and describe the process the company uses to promote employees. Policies about raises and open positions should be clearly stated.
5Employee Evaluations, Discipline, and TerminationBreak down how and when employees are evaluated. Discuss the discipline process for policy violations.
6Office ProceduresExplain safety procedures to be followed in the event of emergencies, procedures for conducting business with outside vendors, etc.
7Family Medical Leave Act Entitlements and Employee ObligationsPublish provisions from the FMLA general notice [29 C.F.R. §825.300 (a)(3).]
8Declaration of At-Will employment Make it very clear that employees may be terminated at any time, for any lawful reason, or for no cause at all.
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