New Way to Think About Office Space for Entrepreneurs and Start-Up Businesses
Business incubators are on the rise. Instead of the expensive overhead that comes with a private office, many start-ups and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of incubators to share resources with others who are starting and growing their companies. Along with a collaborative environment, many incubators also offer advisory business consulting to help their companies succeed. To learn more, see Quentin Hardy’s article, Someday Worth Billions, but Now, They Need a Desk posted by The New York Times on September 3, 2013.
Local Business Incubators Offer Opportunities to Start-Up Companies, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses Looking to Expand
For more information about business incubators in Louisiana, check out the Louisiana Business Incubation Association (LBIA). If you are looking for an exciting business incubator in Lafayette, check out The Switch Downtown, part of the Opportunity Machine. For New Orleans, don’t miss Idea Village and The Launchpad.
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