Tag: Employment Contract
Business Transactions
Prescription & Trade Secrets: A Benefit To Your Business?
- July 22, 2014
- By Allen & Gooch
Former Employee Develops Similar Technology Aspen Technology sued a former employee, who was director of technology and research, for violating a noncompete clause in his employment contract. Aspen added as a defendant, the new employer, M3 Technology, claiming tortious interference with the contract, trade secret misappropriation and copyright infringement. Aspen and M3 both develop, sell […]
Employment Law & Litigation
Pay to Quit Policies: How to Protect Your Business
- June 4, 2014
- By Allen & Gooch
Major Companies Trying Out New Pay to Quit Policies Zappos introduced an innovative human resources policy known as Pay to Quit that is now being adopted by other employers. Amazon explained the policy behind a Pay to Quit policy in a letter to their shareholders “[t]he goal is to encourage folks to take a moment […]
Business Transactions
Employment Contracts: Non Competition and Non Solicitation Agreements
- September 7, 2013
- By Emile Joseph
Although non competition and non solicitation agreements are enforceable in Louisiana, there are strict limits.Careful planning & drafting is necessary.